Ruby is...well Ruby is just flipping awesome! I can not even begin to explain how much I adore that little kid. She is turning into the most precocious, sassy, sensitive, affectionette, adorable, kind, silly, imaginitive, ball of love that has ever been! She is my salvation! Each day, as I struggle to move from my wickedly comfortable bed, we go on an adventure of some sort. Parks, bike rides, museums, lunch time, camping, even car rides to Target are a hoot with her. She is simply a delight. I would struggle to count how many complements she has recieved for being well-behaved and charming these last few weeks. Don't get me wrong she still has her moments ;) She is still not the biggest fan of Ronan, for example...although her terror for him seems to have given way to a kind of tolerant annoyance :/ But overall she really is doing magnificent!

Other news:
I've become addicted to buying used children's items on craigslist, resale shops, rummages, etc. Seriously. It's becoming ridiculous. Our tiny Stallis backyard looks like a cheap daycare.
My butterball of a nephew is turning one this weekend! I can't believe it! He has brought so much joy into everyone's life, even if Ruby can't acknowledge that yet ;) I love him so much.
Ruby and I went on a little mama-daughter camping trip a couple of weeks ago. It was wonderful. We played, relaxed, and just enjoyed every second of each other's company. We even met another "special needs" family and bonded instantly. I must say that although this is a "club" I never would have willingly joined, I love the immediate sense of knowing and comradery that comes with meeting other moms who are walking this same path. It's a lovely thing to feel connected with someone, even if that someone is a complete stranger.

We also have a very special wedding coming up in two weeks. My dear, dear friend is getting married and Ruby and I are both participants! She is a flower girl and I am a bridesmaid. If you know me at all you know I am NOT a romantic person, but that I LOVE me some wedding mush! I will undoubtedly be sobbing throughout the entire service. I am just so geeked!
I think that's all for now. Thanks for not forgetting us!