Friday, November 8, 2013

Just an Update

This is a directionless post...consider yourself informed.  Life is still wonderful.  Even when upset occurs, this is still such a very good life I'm living.  I feel so lucky, and I think Ruby does too.  Nearly everyday she announces, "This is a beautiful day! Isn't that right, Mama?"  Rain, cold, wind, fog...nothing can disturb her view of the world.  Isn't that delightful?  I'm so grateful to live in peace with my daughter.  So proud that her world is simple and beautiful, that even when things stink we find a way to see through it and be happy.  

Ruby is just a peach these days.  Being four completely agrees with her...and me.  She is still entirely contrary at times.  Still fierce and stubborn.  This is good thing, it is who she is and so could never be bad.  She challenges me to be a better parent; a better person.  Having a child, and being present with them every moment of the day, forces you to examine yourself.  It forces you to empathize in ways you'd never needed to before.  It demands every bit of your skill, your love, your diplomacy, your kindness, and your patience.  

So yes, Ruby is still brimming with sass...but she is also so kind.  So loving.  So concerned with others and remorseful when she feels she's hurt someone.  Most delightfully she also seems to have realized that adults can be boring.  For weeks now she's been actively seeking out peer interaction.  She ADORES her cousins.  To outsiders who are unfamiliar with Ruby and her plethora of anxieties it might appear as though she is overly sensitive when she is with them, or with any other children for that matter.  And perhaps she is, but she has come so far.  She begs to see Ronie and Kai, every hour of every day constantly.  Luckily they are only a flight of stairs away.  And not only this but her fear of being touched by them has vastly diminished.  She still wants control of the situation, but is willing to let go more and more.  She trusts them more, and recuperates from upsets much quicker than before.  She chases them around our basement, and even snuggles with them in bed.  She willingly kisses and hugs them!!  To the parent of an average child this probably seems standard, but to our is nothing short of miraculous.  I nearly cry every time she reaches out for Ronan, or when she doesn't recoil at Kai's touch.  Basically this is all a very very BIG deal ;)

I guess that's all for now.  Sorry for my abruptness, but I'm tired and happy and ready for bed.  So off I go.  Good night friends.

Funny Bunnies

Ruby with her string cheese :)