Sunday, November 15, 2009

Post-Op Day 6

An Old Photo Just for Fun!

Papa being weird with Ruby when she was around 1 1/2 months old.
Silly Papa!

And Now For Some Recent Pics

Ruby's new diggs...
I think it looks like something from a high quality alien abduction film.

Ruby before her new hardware--and before a sponge bath.

Ruby and the new G tube. Her side also has a lot less Betadine on it.
Thanks Nurse Laura!

Surgery has successfully put in a temporary G tube for Ruby. Although it appears quite similar to her previous PEG J tube, it is a bit different. It is a smaller gauge (size 14 French) and it is inserted directly through the stomach wall, rather than endoscopically. A small balloon on the end of the tube is then filled with water to hold it in place. The whole process only took about 5 minutes, and Ruby was extremely sedated. Despite the sedation, the site itself is probably sore, but the poor girl is sore all over so I'm not sure whether or not she has noticed. Eventually we will need to put in a larger G tube and thread through a J tube. For the moment this tube is serving the purpose of venting quite well, which means her NG tube has been removed. I'm sure Ruby is even happier about that than I am!

Ruby's high temperature continues to fluctuate, ranging from 37.6 degrees C to 39 degrees C. At the moment she is on the low end of that spectrum. Due to this more blood, urine, and mucous cultures were gathered today. The previous cultures have all come back negative, with the exception of some yeast in her breathing tube. I asked if that was a major concern but the nurse said it isn't much of a problem. When we remove the breathing tube the yeast should go with it.

And on that note, she is being weaned successfully from the ventilator. She is off of the nitric oxide, and as of this moment has not suffered any desaturations, void of the times she is upset and waking. Barring any complications, she should be able to have her breathing tube removed tomorrow! Way to go Ruby!

1 comment:

  1. Prayers and hopes for "steady as she goes" in the journey to a full recovery and a healthy life!!!
