(Sorry for the blurriness)
A huge milestone was met today. Ruby was successfully extibated and is now breathing on her own with a flow of only 1 Liter of oxygen per minute. She has been maintaining her saturation levels well, perhaps even a bit more consistently than on the breathing tube because she isn't gagging as much. Her voice and breathing are still very raspy because of the swelling in her throat. She also has a few scary coughs every now and again. And although she is being weaned from many of her medications she is still extremely "out of it." She doesn't seem to be in an incredible amount of pain but is still very much not herself.
Despite this we are glad to see some signs of life in her. She has been opening her eyes ever so slightly, and occasionally makes some small noises. I want so desperately to hold her again, especially now that she is waking more frequently. I am afraid that we are still a few days off from that point though. She needs to be off of nearly all of her drip medications so that they can take out her final heart lines. And even though I can not yet hold her, I am glad to feel more useful. I can comfort her and sing to her and know that because she is partially awake, she is at least hearing and feeling me.
Papa trying to cuddle with Ruby as best he can without holding her.
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