Thursday, November 19, 2009

Post-Op Days 8-10

Now these are sats we like to see! 99% oxygen saturation.

Finally Sleeping!


Papa gets his turn.

So much has happened over the last three days, both good and bad. First the bad news: Ruby has been going through withdrawal from the pain medication she was on. She has been shaking, whimpering, crying, kicking, and most importantly NOT SLEEPING! I truly have no words to describe how hard it has been to see her in such pain. She has also had breathing difficulties since they've pulled out her breathing tube. This is normal and caused by the swelling in her throat, but still has been a little difficult to manage.

Good news: Ruby's chest tubes have been pulled and we can hold her!!! This has been a complete joy. Even though she is extremely agitated due to the withdrawal, I have relished every moment holding her. The doctors also seem to have her breathing problems more under control with the treatment of steroids. In addition to this it seems as though she is slowly coming back to us. Her coordination is returning as she sucks on her binky and hands. She also seems to calm a bit easier, but this is a very recent change--as in within the last 4 hours or so. I'm hoping it sticks. So far she's sleeping peacefully in her crib a few feet from me. How I hope this means we are turning a corner.

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