Friday, January 1, 2010

Goin' to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo!

Kissy Papa

Danny in his cute hat

The tiger thought Ruby was a kitty treat

Here kitty, kitty

In the nocturnal mammal room

iPhone quality pictures...note the blur on the bottom in the cage

Getting sleepy


"Entertain me, Papa"


  1. Kerry,

    You and Dan have one of the most precious baby girls. Cherish each moment with her. I wish there had been such technology as blogging when my girls were babies. Now, they're grown and, for all practical purposes, gone. And, I have very little tangible evidence of their childhood except a few faded pictures and my memories.

    Happy New Year!

  2. Ohhhh she looks so chubby and healthy!! I am so happy to see these photos of you guys out and about. YOU DESERVE IT! Isn't it the best feeling in the world doing "normal" things?
