Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Witching Hour

Since we've brought Ruby home she's had a HORRIBLE time going to sleep. She's a big napper, and sleeps every 2 hours or so during the day. And don't tell me to keep her up more during the day because that just makes for a rough day in addition to a rough night! She usually starts getting tired for bed around 9:30 or 10...but sometimes later. And then the screaming starts. Some days are better than others. For instance, on a "good" night Ruby will only cry intermittently for an hour. A bad night will mean around 1-2 hours of continuous crying and waking during the night. Thankfully the waking during the night is rare. Usually she just stirs a little for a diaper change around 4am and then it's back to bed until 8 or 9. I LOVE that she sleeps in this late because I am so not a morning person. I could easily sleep in until 10 most days. I'm actually kind of glad that Ruby gets me up and going so that I don't sit around in bed all day.

Anyway, this whole issue brought me to do some internet research on why babies have a hard time falling asleep. Turns out their isn't a lot out there on why, more about how to stop it. And I gotta say...not so happy about what I found. I personally do not approve of the "cry it out" method. Babies are meant for cuddling and they cry because they want to be held. I'll be damned if I'm going to let my kid, who has been closer to death then I'd care to think about, cry alone in a room...that's just not going to happen! Ruby sleeps in a co-sleeper next to us and that's where I like her. And when she's crying I hold her...SHOCKING I know!

But back to the sleeping baby research. Pretty much all of the other advice was useless for Ruby for various reasons. "Try breastfeeding right before bed." Well that's not going to happen unless we can back track to when Ruby was 2 weeks old and stop the docs from adding Similac to her diet. That whole incident sensitized her to milk and soy protein and she had to stop breastfeeding while I purified myself of all dairy and soy...and despite my persistent efforts she hasn't been able to breastfeed since. (This by the way, is the thing that saddens me the most on the long list of things I've missed out on).

Tip #2: "Try giving them a bottle right before bedtime." Well that's not going to work either considering Ruby can not eat. So I say, "OK internet what else have you got for me?" The answer, "Try giving your baby a nighttime bath." HA! Ruby absolutely hates baths! I keep hoping one day she'll surprise me and turn into one of the smiling splashing babies you see on the Johnson & Johnson commercials but it has yet to happen!

So until I hear of some new bedtime miracle I guess Dan and I will just keep using ear plugs and trying our best to soothe little Rubert. We just keep telling ourselves, "She will grow out of this." She will right?

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