Dan and I, and pretty much everybody in the family, have been having so much fun with Ruby lately. When I think back on our time in the hospital and compare it to our life now it's hard to believe. As all of you know who've gone through something similar, there are no words to describe how horrible it is to be in that environment. And now it seems that nearly everyday is an adventure. I want to make every single day of life for this girl as amazing as it can be...God she is going to be spoiled! So at least a couple times a week we do something really fun. Over the last week we went to the Domes, the Betty Brinn Children's Museum, and the zoo. Pics to follow shortly :)
I've been thinking about how lucky I am to stay home with Ruby too. And about how much I just love kids and I've figured out why. It's basically because I've never grown up! You know how they say all children are artists and musicians...and they only stop being them when they grow up. Well those who know me know I've never gotten out of that phase! I also think I'm basically using Ruby as an excuse to do all of the things I like. Such as going to children's museums, the zoo, and the park. And I simply can't wait to go trick-or-treating! OK on the the pics!
Betty Brinn

"Look Papa we're squished!"

"Why won't these come off so I can eat them?"

She's really thinking hard here. About what I don't know.

These were a favorite :)
The Zoo x2

That crazy hornebill was picking away at the wood

Ruby vs. Penguin

"What IS that!?"

She has been doing this clappy thing lately when happy! Funny girl :)

"Yay, Ruby"

Watching the monkeys on "Monkey Island"

Finished off the visit by chewing on some pizza crust...an AMAZING feat considering her aversion!
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