Granny and Rubes at Noodles
Well most of our little family's plans were pushed aside this weekend to make way for Ruby's and Dan's colds. We didn't make it to the Ulster Project fundraiser which I was really bummed about, but Auntie Casey came over and we all had a really nice time just relaxing and watching movies. Meanwhile Dan got a break and went out with some friends to The Old German Beer Hall. Saturday we were supposed to have dinner with another "heart family" but we didn't want to get anyone sick and stayed in for another relaxing night of movies and family time.

Getting a nebulizer treatment...didn't help the cough AT ALL!

"I like you Papa!"
Oh yes...I almost forgot! We also bought a mini fridge for upstairs. No, we're not having midnight cravings, we've just had enough of waking up every 4 hours to refill Ruby's feeding pump with fresh milk. So last night, for the first night in a LONG time we got a night of, well, less broken sleep : ) We simply place her feeding pump bag in the fridge and thread the tubing though the door, leaving the pump out. The milk has plenty of time to warm up to room temp. by the time it travels through the tubing into Ruby's body so it works great! No refilling that darn pump at night!!!

The glorious, and incredibly cheap, mini-fridge.
And can I just say how much I LOVE this weather! Any day above freezing is considered spring weather in WI. Today we took Ruby out for a walk at Bayshore and she had a blast. She sat in the actual stroller part and not her car seat for the first time which she thought was great because she could finally sit up and look around properly.

Such a fun kid :)

She loved it outside!
All in all a really fun family filled weekend. And a quick Ruby development update: she's been grabbing at her toes like mad, rolled over once from belly to back all by herself, and has been drumming on and with all sorts of objects! I just know she's going to be a percussionist like her Auntie : )
Hope everyone else gets out to enjoy the weather this week!
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Ruby is so stinkin cute! Glad it was a fun weekend, despite the little colds. :)