Sunday, August 1, 2010

Birthday Madness!

Well we threw a great birthday party for Ruby last Sunday, despite the flooding my parents' basement suffered. Let's see where to begin...Ruby had a blast seeing all of her family and friends and even decided to take a few steps for the occasion (with a little help from us.) She is constantly wanting to walk around while holding on to our hands. She's still pretty unbalanced though so I think it'll be a little while before she takes off on her own.

Showing off her stepping skills!

She opened presents...OK well only two of them, and then she got really sleepy and cranky and just wanted to cuddle with me. And she glared at some cake. She even touched it but a quick look of disgust flashed across her face. Although she gladly took some of the Cheetos that my mother stuck in it. She even participated in a mini hootenanny after some of the party disbanded!

Napping with Papa (this was before the party actually)

Shortly after that point we noticed she was feeling very warm and after taking her temp (it was 101!!) we gave called her doc. She also developed an odd rash that just disappeared a day or two ago. After a mess of a week we finally figured out it was just a crappy virus. A VERY crappy virus that Dan and I got to know first hand later in the week...yuck.

See...I told you

Anyway, she is fine now and so are we. Thanks to everyone who came out that day. I hope you had as much fun as we did! Oh, and I think my parents took some better pics of the cake staring and all that so if I get them I will post them on here A.S.A.P!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, she is the cutest little thing I think I've ever seen!!! Happy birthday, Ruby!

    I hate fevers. Glad everything is ok now.
