Thursday, August 26, 2010

Summer with Ruby

So many fun things have been going on the last week or two that I haven't had much time to write! Ruby's first State Fair and Irish Fest came and went...both were soooo much fun! I am always amazed at how much fun all of these things are with Ruby (maybe because she gives me the excuse to act like a kid). At the Fair she held but refused to taste some fried cheddar and was so excited to see the billy goats. Irish Fest was also a blast, with the exception of that very rainy Friday! Ruby got to dance to the music and bang on a bodhran.

She is really a HUGE music fan! She always has loved listening to us sing, and has been "dancing" for some time now. Recently she has been trying to shake things in time to music, which I'm sure makes her Auntie proud :) She has also been doing so many new things. She can pull herself to standing pretty easily on low objects, and has used the couch successfully a couple of times. She is also closer to crawling than she has ever been. Tonight I even saw her get on her hands and knees and stay there for a moment! She can transition from sitting to laying and can get back into a seated position all by herself as well. And although she is still really wobbly on her feet she sometimes tries to let go of our hands while walking, even though she would fall flat on her face!

Other news: Ruby has been getting better at vocalizing. She is still not deliberately making consonant sounds but I've heard them once or twice. She is also much louder! I think she has also finally picked up the sign for "me." She can also point to objects in certain books. There are a few we have that she can point out cat, dog, apple, bird, fan, and ball. She can sometimes get tree, sun, moon, cow, light, mouse, bunny, and a few others as well. Even though she is pretty behind in gross motor and verbal skills, she is one sharp little girl :) I hope this doesn't offend anyone but my Granddad used to tell my mother, in describing me as a baby/toddler, "You can't shit her!" As in, I was wise to all the tricks...and I'm pretty sure he would say the same of Ruby.

Hmmm...what else happened? Oh yes, Ruby and my friend and I went on a road trip to House on the Rock! She did so good in the car, I was shocked. She only had a small crying episode after she had thrown up, about 10 min away from Spring Green. The visit itself was awesome...creepy, but awesome. If you know me, you know I like odd stuff (don't we all) and House on the Rock is chock full of weirdness! Ruby's favorite things there were probably all the musical rooms and the carousel...although she also liked all the buttons and the guard rails!

Dan and I also celebrated our anniversary last Saturday. We've been together for over 9 years, and married for 6! Wow, time flies. Both sets of grandparents pitched in so we could see a movie and go out to dinner. It was fun, but I felt like I was going through Ruby withdrawal not having her with me all day.

Well, that's it for now. I'm too lazy to post any pics but the next entry will probably be another flashback in time, and I'll try to include some new and some old with that one!


  1. What a fun post to read! I'm so happy about all of Ruby's progress, and what a fun summer she (and you!) has been having!

    Ok, what is House on the Rock?

  2. I think you two do such a fabulous job of exposing little Miss Ruby to so much! No wonder she is such a happy little girl! xox
