Friday, November 26, 2010

The Stereotypical Thanksgiving Post

Well, I debated whether or not to take part in the whole, "I'm thankful for..." blog thing that seems to happen on most people's sites and you know I just couldn't resist ;) So I'm thankful for:

The way Ruby wakes up like a pop-tart in the morning. She's fast asleep and then "pop" she sits up and is ready to play.

My husband's brain. Boy do I find his smarts sexy.

Ruby's love of music. She just has to dance to everything she hears.

My mother who, if you know her, is well...she's just the perfect mom and granny.

The fact that I can call up my sister and do just about any mundane thing with her like go to the store and we have an amazing time.

My nephew's dimples. I just want to eat him up.

Ruby's cuddles. Her cuddles are so intense and affectionate that you just melt.

My dad's hugs. They still make me feel warm and safe.

How Ruby needs to give everyone a kiss around her if she even kisses one person. And the fact that it has to be on the lips.

My friends, who really are the best friends in the world and they know it. Nuff said.

For everybody and everything that I don't have time to mention here but that makes me smile...and that is a big list.

Getting to know new people who face similar challenges as us with their brave and beautiful children.

Ruby's curls. They are just so frickin cute.

How Dan sleeps with Ruby in his arms every night, and how she has a crazy hard time falling asleep without him.

The amazing support I have received from extended family and friends. You all know who you are.

The way Ruby shrieks with glee at every single balloon she sees. Same goes for trees, dogs, cats, and signs.

Taking long walks with my baby.

All of the people in my life, past and present, who have helped me to become the person I am.


My daughter's life. She makes me a better person and gives me more joy than I ever thought a body could handle.

For the best year of my life.

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