Thursday, November 4, 2010


I love Wisconsin but the truth is I feel betrayed by it's people right now. They have spoken and what they have said in their loudest voice is, "We are impatient. We want more money. We don't care about those in need. It's survival of the fittest." Did I hear that wrong? Someone please tell me I did.

In a few years will people take a good look at what will become of this state and have a change of heart? Perhaps they will notice that their beloved parks now have NO TRESSPASSING signs on them. That their once cherished lakes and forests will either be abandoned monuments to nature or worse gated communities to the wealthy. Or perhaps they will take note of the failing school system that will slowly have less and less money to pay for enriching and necessary programs like art, music, and heaven forbid...even gym! Maybe they will drive past the few are far between free clinics are be surprised by the waiting line of mothers, children, and the elderly that will certainly extend to a ridiculous length...they might even be in that line themselves. Will they fear leaving their homes when the crime rate skyrockets as the poor are denied the basic necessities for life? Maybe they will take their children on a walk to their local library only to find the doors locked and a FOR SALE sign posted for all to see. They might even catch a glimpse of my family whose uninsurable daughter will have easily hit her $5 million insurance cap scraping to get by despite the fact that my husband, by most standards, has a really good job. Everything has a cost. Is your proposed $100 tax cut really worth it?

I hope that these things do not come to pass. I hope that before any real "change" on this scale can occur, Wisconsin will peel back the layers of deception and placation to find what really lies at the heart of Scott Walker and his accessories. I hope that I am merely being dramatic. My heart aches with such hope. Because if I'm right, than the very things I love about this beautiful state will cease to exist and the world I grew up in will no longer be here for my daughter. And frankly that sucks.

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