Monday, February 21, 2011


In Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has declared war on its citizens. Some of them are aware of it, and some aren't. I am. I am aware because in this "Budget Repair Bill" there are quite a few items that threaten the life of my child. This bill, along with so many other heinous acts, allows for a very small and very conservative group of legislators, who have all but pledged their souls to Scott Walker, to exclusively make sweeping cuts to our state's Medicaid program. My daughter life is at stake. And that is one of the reasons I can not sleep at night.

When I bring this up to others, I often hear conservatives say that, "cuts must be made" or "I am not responsible for your child." Here is the problem I have with that: If a child is kidnapped would we ask parents to shoulder the costs of a state-wide search? If a child is murdered, would we demand that parents pay to seek retribution? If a child is threatened with sexual abuse should parents pay for a task-force to rescue that child in order to prevent the psychological damage that would be caused? No. The answer is always no. We pay for police. We pay for the protection of our children and ourselves through our taxes. So why is my child's life less valuable?

Undoubtedly when a child is rescued from such horror we rejoice. The media covers the events and all of the officers and political leaders involved are praised. I suppose that does not happen when a special needs child takes their first steps. Or when they say their first word. Or even when a special needs child is able to simply live because of their home oxygen equipment or their feeding pump. The parents rejoice these victories but the leaders of our city and state get no attention. And yet these are true victories. These things come to pass because the state supplements pay for the therapies and for the medical care these children need to live. The state does not allow these children to perish because a life is worth something! Not just to their family, but to society. We collectively value our children, just as we should value each other. We need to do this because it is the whole point of gathering together as a society...Otherwise what is the point?

If Walker and the conservative lawmakers in this state get their way, Ruby will suffer. Her quality of life and medical treatment will suffer, make no mistake that is not an exaggeration. If you support Governor Walker you want my child to suffer. You would rather save yourself a $40 tax hike than ensure the life of my child. Are the lives of our citizens with special needs so worthless to you? What about the elderly? The poor? Are they worthless too? Yes we must make cuts...but somethings can NOT be cut! LIVES CAN NOT BE CUT! Find another way Scott Walker, or the lives lost will be on your head.

I mean seriously!? How could you not want this little girl to make it?


  1. Walker doesn't care because he does not have a special needs child. Even if he did, he would have enough money that he would not need Medicaid to pay for medical bills. It's the same for every politician. I wrote to Representative Sensenbrenner all throughout healthcare legislation, and prior to that when the Children's Health Insurance Program was up for a vote. He always sent me a form letter, typed out prior to even receiving my message, and rubber stamped with his signature. He never addressed the fact that I spoke of people related to me that were affected by the passage of the laws, just that the evil Democrats wanted to raise taxes and costs to everyone else. If you were standing right in front of them with your dying child they would shrug and turn and go about their business. It's no consequence to them.

  2. Kerry, I am so sorry to hear about your little girl. Through my UCC church, I have been working with the Save BadgerCare coalition. I made an announcement in church yesterday about what this bill will mean for the people of Wisconsin. Many people in my congregation are adding their stories to the postcards the coalition provided and I will be mailing them in weekly through April 1st. I will add your daughter and family to our prayer chain as well.
    God bless you!
    Laura Lokken

  3. You ask: "So why is my child's life less valuable?"

    My question: "So why is your child's life MORE valuable?"

    What do I mean by MORE valuable? I mean, have you considered how lucky your daughter is to simply be alive when every day on this planet more than 16,000 children die from starvation ( )? Yet somehow, by the luck of the draw, Ruby was born into this country surrounded by a more than ample supply of food, clean water, warm living quarters, advanced medical technology and most importantly a loving set of parents to defend and fight for her.

    You said that "lives cannot be cut", and yet wouldn't you choose to spend $40 on food and supplies for your own daughter rather than use the same amount to ensure a whole village of 3rd world children was fed for a month? Are the lives of those other children worth so much less to you?

    If you think your child's life is more valuable, then make your case. Go testify at the Capitol. Maybe you will change minds and protect the supplemental health care that the State has so generously made available. Plenty of other interest groups will be there making their case for a slice of the finite resources as well.
